Postcard of the Mona Lisa in a Wheelchair for the International Year of the Disabled.
Subvertising is the Art of Cultural resistance. It is the ‘writing on the wall’, the sticker on the lamppost, the corrected rewording of Billboards, the spoof T-shirt; but it is also the mass act of defiance of a street party. The key process involves redefining or even reclaiming our environment from the corporate beast. Subvertising is alot like good modern art - they both involve finding idiots with too much power and wealth, and taxing them.
(Lesser text):
*Right now an attack is being made on your right to free speech.
*Right now your health and diet are under attack by the promotion of McJunk food.
*Right now your world is being destroyed by faceless corporations.
*Right now animals are being slaughtered to supply unhealthy products.
*Right now your children are being brainwashed by mindless propaganda.
*Right now is the time to fight back! Arm yourself with the facts, visit McSpotlight.
The original 'board' was for a well known insurance company